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Stewed Peppers and Chicken

     This is another dish that you can prepare a day ahead and tastes even better the next day. Summertime is when these ingredients shine the most, but of course, you can do it any time of the year. You can use any type of chicken, but I ended up buying too many bone-in thighs, so went with those. You want to have your chicken cooked ahead of time and shredded so that you can combine it with stewed peppers when they're ready. I actually made this meal the night before I was going to eat it, so I ended up cooking the chicken sous vide so it would be ready for the next day. This allowed me to come home the next night after, shred the chicken, toss it in the pan to warm up with the stew and it was ready to go in minutes. Chicken cooked any style will work for this, but I do prefer the dark meat since it's usually is more moist than the breast.


  • 8qt Rondeau or Stockpot
  • Lid
  • Chef's knife
  • Cutting Board


  • 5-6 Heirloom, Odoriko or other Tomato 
  • 5 large bell peppers (red, green, yellow, orange)
  • 6 larger shallots
  • 1/2lbs brown mushrooms
  • 1lbs oyster mushrooms
  • 2lbs Chicken Thighs or similar, cooked ahead of time
  • Kosher Salt
  • Canola or Avocado oil 


  • Slice your peppers into strips
  • Core tomatoes if desired
  • Chop brown mushrooms
  • Chop shallots
  • Remove stems from Oyster mushrooms
  • Cook your chicken

Cooking Instructions

Chicken (sous vide style, but you can use any method and cut you like. Grilled breasts, sautéed tenders, broiled drumsticks etc). The instructions here are for sous vide style thighs.

  • Preheat your circulator to 64º Celsius
  • Vacuum pack your thighs
  • Submerge in the tank and cook for 90 minutes
  • If using immediately, then remove from bag
  • If saving for the next day, then keep the chicken sealed in the bag and submerge it in cold water until cooled down. Dry off the bag and transfer to fridge for the next day. Before cooking the next day, try to let it rest once it comes out of the fridge so it's not ice cold when it goes into the stew. If you still have water in your tank, you can warm the water up and drop the sealed chicken back into the water to bring it up to temperature before shredding it. 
  • When you're ready to use the chicken, remove it from the bag, remove the skin, and shred the meat into a mixing bowl. 
  • Sprinkle 1 tbsp kosher salt and toss together. 


Pepper Stew

  • Heat your oil in your pan over medium heat until shimmering
  • Add the mushrooms and a pinch or two of kosher salt and saute for 3-5 minutes
  • Add the peppers and let them cook with the mushrooms for another 3 minutes
  • Add the shallots and cook for 2-3 minutes
  • Add the tomatoes and good pinch of salt
  • Add 1/4 cup of water if needed
  • Reduce heat to Medium-low
  • Cook for 45 minutes, stirring occasionally
  • Remove the lid and check how much liquid is in the pot. You can reduce it down to about 1 inch of liquid in a 8qt pot.
  • Add the shredded chicken and fold to combine
  • Remove from heat
  • Taste and adjust seasonings 
  • Let cool
  • Transfer to container and store in fridge.
  • To reheat, put desired amount in a saucepan and reheat over medium heat until hot

The Finished Dish