onions on the floor
onions on the floor

A Celebration of Quality

     Welcome to Onions on the Floor and the celebration of quality ingredients. This is a collection that aims to be more than just a place to browse for recipes when you should be working or paying attention in your meeting. I want this site to be a place of inspiration and education. I've always believed in the sharing of knowledge as it's how I became who I am today. There are plenty of things that I figured out on my own, but my foundational skills are built from the experience of others. My goal here is to provide a place where anyone can come to be inspired and learn, whether you're a seasoned chef or someone who is just getting started. In here, you'll be able to find instructions on the most basic foundations of cooking to some of the most advanced cutting edge techniques and everything in between. My day job is in the visual arts field, so photography is my other love, and just so happens to tie neatly into the field of cooking. 

     As you'll see from the posts here, the quality of the ingredient is celebrated first and foremost. I am a firm believer that the most important thing is the quality of the product you're cooking with. I'm fortunate enough to live in Northern California where top notch ingredients are abundant if you know what you're looking for. Even if you don't have access to what you see on this site, you can create your own version of the meal by using the highest quality ingredients your location has to offer and your budget allows. Not everything has to be expensive to taste good. Making healthy, low fat, low sodium meals may not be the top priority here, but those offerings will present themselves over time. You can also just cut down on the salt, oil or offending ingredient in any recipe to make it work for your own taste.

     The name of this site came from when I was living on my own in my first apartment. My counter that I prepped on was across from my stove. So whenever I'd chop onions, I'd have to turn around to take them to the pan. It was guaranteed that one or two bits would end up on the floor. I vowed, way back then, that if I ever started a website, it would be named after just that.