Sean Falcon

Pork and Parsnip

Sean Falcon
Pork and Parsnip

Pork and Parsnip

This pork really is some of the best that I've ever had. The Fatted Calf in Napa recently had an anniversary celebration and had some of these left over. I initially went in for heritage pork cheeks, which they were out of, so I ended up with this. No complaints. I paired this with blanched asparagus, parsnip mash and roasted maitake mushrooms. It's a great earthy meal with a ton of flavor. If you can't find these brand of pork, just get the best pork you can find. I personally am a big fan of Niman Ranch pork, so give them a try and see how you like the taste. As always, buy the best that you budget will allow. Quality ingredients really make a difference. You'll notice a couple different platings in this post because Chef was home that day. He volunteered to do a plating for me, which in chef-speak means 'I'll plate your food and eat all of the scraps that I trim off during the process'. Pro move. 

The Finished Dish