onions on the floor

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Charcoal Grilled Summer Veg

Summer veg as it’s finest simplicity. These need nothing more than a little bit of salt and high heat during the later summer months.


  • Jimmy Nardello Peppers or similar

  • Golden Rod Squash or any squash available

  • 1 large red onion

  • A fistful of Romano Beans

  • Oil

  • Kosher Salt

Cooking Instructions

  • Charcoal Grills: build your fire and let grill grates heat up for 10-15 minutes once the charcoals have reached temperature

  • Gas Grills: preheat for 10-15 minutes

  • Cut your veg into 1.5 inch chunks, leaving the peppers whole

  • Toss with salt and oil

  • Blister over high heat until cooked through.